You will become an Advanced Rider, and gain full membership of IAM RoadSmart after passing the advanced test. This involves both theory and practical components.
Part of being an advanced rider is an excellent knowledge of the Roadcraft book, the Riding Standard and the Road Code.
Each Associate will be required to pass a written, multi-choice test in New Zealand Road Code and Roadcraft. A thorough working knowledge, which you will explore with your Observer, will enable you to build on the practical skills you acquire.
Whilst some studying of the books is required, your Observer will introduce and work through the necessary information contained in both to enable you, as the Associate, to reach the required theoretical and practical Riding Standard.
Advanced motorcyclists use ‘The System’
You will go for observed rides with a qualified IAM RoadSmart observer for mentoring and learning the Roadcraft system to an advanced level.
‘The System’ is derived from the ‘Roadcraft System of Motorcycle Control’, and is a way of riding that allows the rider to approach all situations and negotiate all hazards methodically and flexibly leaving nothing to luck or chance; therefore it will be safer.
‘The System’ is referred to by the acronym IPSGA which refers to Information, Position, Speed, Gear and Acceleration. Continually assessing information runs through every phase of the system. You will learn all about this when you join us and receive your copy of Roadcraft.
The Advanced Test
The Advanced Test is a comprehensive look at your riding after several mentored/observed rides, learning and practising the Roadcraft system.
The Advanced Test is a thorough test of riding ability, expecting the Associate to alter their ride according to the conditions and environment of the road. The types of roads vary from quiet country roads, state highways, and motorways to busy town centres. In each case, some hazards and situations need to be avoided and taken care of using the methods and techniques given by advanced riding. The Examiner will also require a short commentary (coached during Observed rides) on each type of road.
The examiner is looking for good progress with maximum safety, using optimum road positioning and excellent observation. All this combines to give a brisk smooth ride, at the legal speed limit on the open road.
In some situations, you will need to show restraint and composure in dealing with tricky hazards such as in a busy town centre, where keen observation is used to pick out and prioritise hazards that are rapidly and constantly changing.
The main objective is that the Associate performs well in all situations rather than excels in one.